Custom Motorcycle Solid Gold design by Mikael Lugnegard

Custom Motorcycle Solid Gold by Mikael LugnegardCustom Motorcycle Solid Gold by Mikael Lugnegard

If you love bikes and want to own one that gives you elegant feel and is stylish at the same time, Golden Motorcycle is what you might be looking for. This beast is not just an ordinary one but to roll you around with power and luxury. Dubbed as Seraphim, this motorcycle from the Swedish designer, Mikael Lugnegar, has solid gold parts.

Although the entire motorcycle is not covered in gold, yet it has golden spoke design and front forks, elegant body, saddle-shaped seat, the golden engine and gears. The ultimate blend of vintage innovation gives the motorcycle zealots an edge while on the run.

Custom Motorcycle Solid Gold by Mikael Lugnegard
Custom Motorcycle Solid Gold by Mikael LugnegardCustom Motorcycle Solid Gold by Mikael Lugnegard

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